A Temple dedicated to Chief Accountant of Yama ‘Chitragupta’ in Hyderabad Old City

Chief Accountant of Yama is ‘Chitragupta’ and is the one who maintains all the records of good and bad of one’s life. Ever heard of ‘Chitragupta Temple’ in Hyderabad?
‘Chitragupta Mahadeva Devalayam’ is in Chatrinaka near to Uppuguda Railway Station of Old City of Hyderabad. This is the only ‘Chitragupta temple’ in Telangana State. (There are very few temples of Chitragupta in India).

The temple is believed to be more than 200 years (built in early 18th century) old which is built by Kayasths. ‘Chitragupta’ is considered as the ‘Kula devatha’ of Kayasths. Kayasths are believed to be worked as Finance Ministers, Prime Ministers and other higher official grades during Qutub Shahis rule.
Maharaja Chandulal and Maharaja Kishan Pershad are some of the important people of Kayasths of Hyderabad.
One can find the idols of Chitragupta along with his consorts Iravati and Dakshini in the temple. The 12 sons of ‘Chitragupta’ are Srivastav, Suryadwhaj, Nigam, Kulashresta, Mathur, Garg, Saxena, Gaud, Asthana, Ambasht, Bhatnagar and Valmiki.

Previously there used to be procession idols (Utsava vigrahalu) made of ‘Panchaloha’ which were stolen few decades ago. Huge crowd visits this temple to clear off their Doshas. ‘Abhishekam’ is performed daily and special pooja is performed on Wednesdays for those who are affected by ‘Ketu Graha Dosha’.

One can reach Uppuguda MMTS Railway Station and from there the temple is at a distance of 5 min walk.
Get in touch with the local priest of ‘Chitragupta Temple’ to know more historical facts of this temple.
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What is Gulzar Houz? Here are 6 Interesting Facts of Gulzar Houz

1) Gulzar Houz is an historical fountain in octagonal shape located near Charminar which is more than 400 years old
2) It was constructed by Mir Momin Astarabadi the first Prime Minister during the rule of Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah.

3) On the four sides of Gulzar House, there are four Kamans called as Charkaman.

4) Previously there were four streams flowing from this fountain, dividing each of the radial roads into two halves.

5) This fountain was previous known as Char-Su-Ka-Hauz” (the fountain of four cardinal points), which later called as ‘Suka-Hauz’ and now Gulzar Hauz.

6) It is also believed that this fountain was served to quenched the thirst of army people at that time.

Everyday many of us travel through this route but never had a thought that this has so much of history.
Image sources:
Deen Dayal
Full Hyderabad

5 things you should know about Rashtrapati Nilayam of Hyderabad

1. Rashtrapati Nilayam is situated at Bollarum, Secunderabad was constructed by Nizam Nazir-ud-Dowla in 1860.

Rashtrapathi Nilayam located at Bollaram Secunderabad

2. The 155 year old ‘Rastrapati Nilayam’ is spread across 90 acres of land with 16 rooms in a single storied building. There is a visitors quarters which can accomodate 150 people. It also has a Dining Hall, Cinema Hall, Darbar Hall, Morning room, Dining room etc.

Rashtrapati Nilayam was previously known as Residency House. Photographed by Deen Dayal in 1880s

3. This building was previously known as Residency House which was given to British.
Later in 1948, Residency House has become ‘Rashtrapati Nilayam’ for President’s retreat and used as ‘Southern Sojourn’.

Darbar Hall in Rastrapati Nilayam Hyderabad

4. Once in a year President of India stays in Rashtrapati Nilayam during his Southern Sojourn.

Herbal Garden at Rastrapati Nilayam Hyderabad

5. Currently Rashtrapati Nilayam has become more eco-friendly with Solar Lighting, herbal garden with 116 species of medicinal value plants, rain water harvesting, efficient water irrigation for gardening, etc

image source:
– The Hindu
– Deen Dayal Photos